Pistol-Packing Preachers and Texas Legends Headline Fort Concho’s April Speaker Series


SAN ANGELO, TX - The Fort Concho Speaker Series will return this year from noon to 1 p.m. each Wednesday this April.

Each presentation will take place in the Fort Concho Commissary, 702 Burgess St. Admission is free and open to the public. Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunches.

This year’s lineup of topics and speakers includes:

  • Wednesday, April 2 “R.F. Ford, Spurs of Knickerbocker”
  • Wednesday, April 9: “Pistol-Packing Preachers of West Texas”
  • Wednesday, April 16: “Ambrose Bierce, Nobody Will Never Find My Bones”
  • Wednesday, April 23: “Businesses of San Angelo”
  • Wednesday, April 30: “The Battle of McClellan”

Guests are always asked to submit topics for future talks. For the spring and fall series in 2026, the topics will reflect the nation’s 250th birthday.

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