Final Vietnam War Commemoration Ceremony Set for March 28 at Goodfellow AFB


SAN ANGELO, TX — A final “Welcome Home and Pinning Ceremony” honoring Vietnam War veterans and their families will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, March 28, at Goodfellow Air Force Base’s Weyandt-Eddy Memorial Plaza.

Hosted by the San Angelo-based Commemorative Partner Program (CPP) committee, the ceremony will mark the conclusion of the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration (VWC), which began in 2014. Since then, local veteran groups and partner organizations have hosted over 70 ceremonies recognizing thousands of Vietnam War veterans and their families.

This year’s event is especially significant as it coincides with the 50th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, signaling the end of the Vietnam War. It also precedes National Vietnam War Veterans Day, observed annually on May 29.

All Vietnam War veterans, including surviving spouses and family members, are invited. Those who have not yet been officially recognized will receive a commemorative lapel pin. Veterans of all service branches and eras are also welcome.

Featured speakers include Col. Angelina Maguinness, Commander of the 17th Training Wing, and Joe Martin, a former USAF ARDF operator and EC-47 History Site co-manager. The event will include tributes to the EC-47 mission and the South Vietnamese Air Force’s intelligence operations.

RSVP information and base access requirements are available at or

Military or Department of Defense ID or listing on a Base Access Listing is required for entry.

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