ASU Law Enforcement Club to Host Women in Law Enforcement Panel March 25


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Angelo State University Law Enforcement Club will host a Women in Law Enforcement panel at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, in Room 105 of the Rassman Building.

The panel will feature 4 to 5 speakers from federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Panelists will discuss their experiences, challenges and successes as women in law enforcement, as well as how they are helping shape the future of the field.

The event is open to the public and free for first-time attendees and club members. Non-members who have previously attended meetings will be charged a $3 door fee. Business casual attire is requested.

The panel is being held in honor of National Women’s History Month. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and network with law enforcement professionals.

Questions about the event can be sent to angelostatelawenforcementclub@gmail….

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