Unidad Park to Host Peace Vigil on Thursday


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas will hold a Peace Vigil at Unidad Park at 5:15 p.m. Thursday, March 27, 2025.

Two retired educators, Annell Salladay and Linda Keenum, along with current educator Georgina Partin, will be guest speakers.

To celebrate Women’s History Month, each guest speaker will talk about a female from history whose impact is important, especially to promoting peace.

The purpose of the monthly Peace Vigil is to bring people together in an attitude of peace where they can listen to informative, inspirational words and music which encourage continuing hope for peace among people.

Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome at no charge.

The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas have been promoting peace through understanding, education and building relationships since 2005. New members are welcome. There is no membership fee at this time. Zoom participation is available for meetings.

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