City of San Angelo Shares Extreme Weather Safety Tips


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Concho Valley is expected to have extreme winds and extreme-to-critical fire danger Friday, March 14. 

The City of San Angelo shared a few things to remember to be prepared for the weather:

  • No burning is allowed of any kind. Tom Green County currently has a burn ban in effect.
  • Don’t discard lit cigarettes outside.
  • Secure chains on your vehicle.
  • Don’t park in tall/dry grass.
  • Report downed power lines to 866-223-8508 or
  • Secure loose outdoor objects.
  • Be cautious driving in high wind.
  • Be cautious when operating heavy equipment and avoid activities that may cause sparks such as welding or grinding.

If Friday is your day for trash services, try to secure your bins and items when you set them out for pickup. All trash in your brown trash bin needs to be bagged. Please help our community by picking up your bin if it falls over as well as any loose trash that might be near your home.

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