Talk to the World on Ham Radio at Angelo State’s ‘Night at the Museum’


SAN ANGELO, TX - Angelo State University's Mayer Museum will host the next installment of its "Night at the Museum" program on Tuesday, March 4, in the Mayer Museum at 2501 W. Ave. N.

Night at the Museum will run from 5-8 p.m. and is free and open to community members of all ages. This installment's activities will include:

  • 5-6 p.m. - Virtual Reality (VR) headsets
  • 5-7 p.m. - Local Beekeepers Demonstrations

Other family-friendly and educational activities scheduled throughout the evening include:

  • Tri-Beta Biology Activity Station
  • Society of Physics Students Activity Station
  • Geoscience Artifacts and Activity Station
  • Delta Zeta Sorority Activity Station
  • Interactive Mayer Museum exhibits
  • Current contemporary art exhibits

Additionally, the San Angelo Amateur Radio Club will set up a ham radio station where attendees can get on the air and speak with other ham radio enthusiasts around the world.

The next Night at the Museum event will be offered on Tuesday, May 6.

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