Ballot Order Determined for San Angelo’s May 3 Election


SAN ANGELO, TX — The ballot order for San Angelo’s upcoming May 3 election has been officially determined, following a drawing held at City Hall on Monday, Feb. 24.

Voters will decide on key city leadership positions, including the mayor and council seats for Districts 2, 4, and 6, as well as a $41.66 million bond proposal for improvements to the San Angelo Coliseum.

The official ballot order for the mayoral race is:

  1. Gary Jenkins
  2. Trinidad Aguirre Jr.
  3. Joshua Burleson
  4. Tom Thompson
  5. Juan Acevedo

*Carlos Hernandez withdrew his name from the mayoral race

For Single-Member District 2, candidates will appear in the following order:

  1. Dudra Butler
  2. John Bariou
  3. Joe M. Self Jr.

In District 4, voters will choose between:

  1. Patrick Keely
  2. Jamal Schumpert

In District 6, Mary Coffey is now the sole candidate after Larry Miller officially withdrew from the race.

Bond Proposal for San Angelo Coliseum Upgrades

A $41.66 million bond measure will also appear on the ballot. If approved, the bond would fund a significant expansion of the San Angelo Coliseum, which was built in 1958. Planned improvements include increasing seating capacity from 5,000 to 10,150, adding 44 accessible seats, 60 companion seats, and constructing 204 new toilets.

The bond also proposes life safety upgrades and would transfer operation, maintenance, and management of the coliseum to the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association. The measure would raise the city’s tax rate by 4.7 cents, amounting to an estimated $37.60 annual increase for every $100,000 in taxable appraised value.

Residents aged 65 and older or those with disabilities who have an approved homestead exemption would not face an increase unless qualifying improvements are made to their homes.

Voter Registration and Election Information

Polling locations and election details are available at Voter registration applications can be obtained in person at the Tom Green County Election/Voter Registration Office on the first floor of the Edd B. Keyes Building or requested by calling 325-659-6541.

Registration is also available when renewing a driver’s license at Texas Department of Public Safety offices. For more information on eligibility and voter status, visit

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