San Angelo ISD Board Calls for $397M Bond and Trustee Elections on May Ballot


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Independent School District Board of Trustees unanimously approved a $397 million bond election set for May 3, 2025.

This is the first major investment in district facilities in 17 years.

The single-proposition bond will fund renovations and additions at Central High School, Lake View High School, and other campuses. It also includes new construction for Glenn Middle School on its current site and district-wide safety and security enhancements, according to information from the school district. 

The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC), a group of 60 San Angelo community members and leaders, met eight times over the past five months to evaluate the district’s long-term facility needs. Their recommendation was presented to the board in January.

“I’d like to thank our board members and our FAC members for their time and efforts in shaping this bond package,” Superintendent Dr. Chris Moran said. “It’s been 17 years since our community made a significant investment in our schools. The 2025 bond is the initial step in a long-range master plan we have helped develop and will address the primary needs of our students as identified by our community committee members.”

Texas does not provide state funding for new school buildings or facility renovations, meaning districts must secure funds through bond elections. San Angelo ISD’s infrastructure has an average building age of 48 years.

“In the past 27 years, our district has made just one investment in facilities, all while carefully managing taxpayer dollars to fund necessary maintenance and renovations—like the recent improvements to a couple of our elementary schools—within our annual budget,” Moran said. “Calling for a bond election in May is about more than upgrading buildings. It’s a strategic decision to provide students with modern learning spaces while freeing up funds to better support our hardworking teachers and staff.”

The bond will allow for facility upgrades, including:

  • Replacing aging HVAC, roofing, electrical, and plumbing systems
  • Expanding career and technical education (CTE) spaces to support programs like welding, culinary, child development, and health sciences
  • Increasing security measures at all campuses
  • Constructing a new Glenn Middle School due to its failing foundation and safety concerns

Because construction costs rise by up to 10% annually, delaying these projects could cost taxpayers an additional $39 million per year, information from the school district states.

Board President Dr. Taylor Kingman underscored the importance of community investment, citing historical bond failures and their consequences:

“A community that does not invest in its schools is not flourishing," he said. "The quality and funding of the public school system directly reflect the city’s economic health, infrastructure, and priorities. Over 67% of our facilities are over 40 years old, and 24% of our buildings are over 60 years old. If we continue to delay action, costs will only increase, and our students will continue learning in outdated and deteriorating environments.”

Board Member Pam Duncan emphasized the urgency of taking action now:

“Why not now? We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so why not try for this now and give our kids what they deserve?”

Board Member Gerard Gallegos spoke about the tradition of community support for school bonds and the need to restore that commitment:

“My dad voted for every other bond. His grandfather voted for every other bond. Because they knew that as a community, that’s how you take care of it. Somewhere along the road, we lost sight of that.”

Board Member Ami Mizell-Flint added:

“Pam said, ‘Why not now?’ and my immediate thought was, ‘And if not now, when?’ I see it more as a bond to further our community," she said. 

The expected financial impact of the bond would be $22.72 per month on a $200,000 home.

The 2023 Texas legislative session delivered the largest property tax cut in state history, reducing school district tax rates statewide. However, state law mandates that all school district bond propositions include the phrase “THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE” on ballots, regardless of actual financial impact.

For homeowners aged 65 and older who have filed for and received the Over-65 exemption, their property tax rate will not increase above their frozen dollar amount.

SAISD will provide community outreach and voter education through phone calls, mail, digital, and social media campaigns.

“We want to make sure that our community is well-informed with the facts about this bond proposal,” Moran said. “The district has an obligation to fill by keeping our voters informed about only the facts. These bond funds will only be used on the projects identified in this bond package and on the ballot. We will be reaching out by phone, mail, digitally, and social media to inform all our voters about the facts before they go to the polls in April and May.” 

  • Voter registration deadline: April 3, 2025
  • Early voting: April 22 – April 29, 2025
  • Election Day: May 3, 2025

More information, including bond details and polling locations, is available at

To check voter registration status, visit or call 325-659-6541.

In addition to approving the bond election, the San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees has scheduled elections for Single-Member Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on May 3, 2025. The trustees currently holding these positions and up for re-election are:

  • Single-Member District 1: Bill Dendle
  • Single-Member District 2: Lupita Arroyo
  • Single-Member District 3: Dr. Taylor Kingman
  • Single-Member District 4: Ami Mizell-Flint

The election will be conducted jointly with the City of San Angelo and other local entities, with polling locations managed by the Tom Green County Elections Administration. Trustees elected in these districts will serve four-year terms.

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