SAN ANGELO, TX — Vitalant is teaming with H-E-B for the Give a Pint Get a Turkey Blood Drive.
Successful donors will receive a voucher for a free turkey up to $20 courtesy of H-E-B, plus a choice of two Cinemark movie passes, a $10 gift shop gift certificate or a $10 Shamrock gift certificate.
Donors will also be automatically entered to win one of five $5,000 prepaid gift cards.
Most blood shortages occur during or after long holiday weekends like Christmas and New Year’s, according to Vitalant.
To donate, visit Shannon Medical Center’s Cancer Center at 131 W. Beauregard in Conference Room 2 on the second floor. The hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 11, and Thursday, Dec. 12.
Vitalant has an urgent need for all eligible donors, with a critical need for type O red blood cells. To donate, you must be at least 16 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds and be healthy. You will need a minor donor permit if you are 16, which can be accessed at
Appointments are highly encouraged to prevent long wait times. Call 877-258-4825 for more information.
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