SAN ANGELO, TX - Angelo State University's Air Force ROTC Detachment 847 will host cadets from 11 regional AFROTC detachments for a Special Warfare AFROTC Weekend (SWAW) Friday through Sunday, Oct. 18-20, at various locations on the ASU campus and at Goodfellow Air Force Base.
SWAW is an immersive Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) orientation and professional development event. It is designed to give AFROTC cadets in-depth exposure to the AFSPECWAR officer career fields to generate interest, and then provide coaching on the preparation needed for cadets interested in pursuing a career as a Tactical Air Control Party Officer, Combat Rescue Officer, or Special Tactics Officer.
Career field insight, physical training preparation and coaching/mentoring are provided by current AFSPECWAR professionals throughout the three-day event. Activities will include:
- Tactical Leadership Program class
- Trail rucks
- Special Warfare career briefing
- Swimming pool sessions
- "Grass and Gorillas" drills
- Special Warfare interview practicals
- Mini Phase 2 Training - land and water fitness, small unit tactics, mission planning, leadership
In addition to Angelo State's AFROTC Det. 847, cadets from the following schools are scheduled to participate in SWAW:
- Baylor University
- California State University - San Bernadino
- Louisiana Tech University
- New Mexico State University
- Oklahoma State University
- Texas State University
- University of Arizona
- University of Houston
- University of New Mexico
- University of Texas
- UT San Antonio
The academic and interview sessions, swimming sessions, and Grass and Gorillas drills will be conducted on the ASU campus. The other outdoor training sessions will take place at Goodfellow AFB's Command Post Sentinel facility.
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