VFW to Host San Angelo Veteran Stand Down Event


SAN ANGELO, TX — The VFW Post 1815 will host its fall San Angelo Veteran Stand Down event Nov. 15, providing resources and a free meal to veterans in the Concho Valley.

Services offered include clothing, housing referrals, employment services, VA enrollment and benefits, mental health services and more.

The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the VFW, 125 S. Browning St. It is hosted by the Department of Veterans Affairs West Texas VA Healthcare System & Military Veteran Peer Network.

Veterans will need to bring their DD214, military ID card or VA ID card. If they don’t have one of those items, VFW staff can help obtain them.

For more information, contact Nicole Mark at 432-270-1152.

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