Her Mom Lost Everything


SAN ANGELO, TX — Melissa Hernandez loves her mom, and this summer, her mom's Grape Creek home burned down, causing Rosa Corona to lose all her belongings. Since Rosa had just moved into the home, she didn't have insurance, and the trailer was a total loss.

Rosa has found temporary shelter, but she lost everything—from beds and dressers to kitchenware—making it difficult for her to live comfortably. She works as a breakfast cook at a local hotel, but her wages make it hard to rebuild after the disaster.

"Our mom has such a big heart for her friends and family," Melissa said. "She would always invite all the grandkids to stay over and spent every summer with them in this house. She loved spending time with her children and grandchildren. Mom always had her doors open for anyone who needed a place to stay. She never let anyone go without a roof over their heads."

Rosa’s home was her refuge, and since the fire, she’s been living out of a small suitcase.

While Rosa doesn’t need much, she could use a helping hand. Her daughter is asking for small donations to make her life a little easier in the wake of this tragedy.

If you’d like to help Rosa, a GoFundMe has been set up here.

Rosa Coronado inspects the damage to her burned-out mobile home

Rosa Coronado inspects the damage to her burned-out mobile home

The fire that destroyed Rosa Coronado's trailer home in July 2024.

The fire that destroyed Rosa Coronado's trailer home in July 2024.

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