Household Bills in San Angelo 23% Lower Than National Average, Study Finds


SAN ANGELO, TX - San Angelo residents pay less on household bills compared to the rest of the nation, according to a recent report from Doxo.

The average household in San Angelo spends $1,630 per month, which is 23% lower than the national average of $2,126.

The report states that most San Angelo residents pay their bills on Mondays, with 11 a.m. being the most common time. Additionally, debit cards are the most frequently used method of payment.

The cost of bills in Texas overall is 4% higher than the national average. The average household in Texas spends $2,208 per month, making Texas the 19th most expensive state for household bills. Texas residents pay $986 more annually than the U.S. average, with bills accounting for 34% of the average household income in the state.

In San Angelo, the breakdown of average monthly expenses includes mortgage payments at $1,277, rent at $1,057, auto loans at $390, and utilities at $294. Other notable costs are health insurance at $48, auto insurance at $105, and cable/internet at $98 per month.

For more details on how Texans and San Angelo residents manage their bills, the full report is available from Doxo.

You can read more about Doxo's methodology here. 

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