Keep San Angelo Beautiful Hosting Tire Collection Event Tomorrow


SAN ANGELO, TX - Keep San Angelo Beautiful will hold its “Tires To-Go” event on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024, at the San Angelo Coliseum.

The event is designed to help residents dispose of unwanted tires properly, with a maximum limit of 25 tires per person.

The collection will accept passenger and pickup truck tires only—rims and cut tires will not be allowed. Additionally, industrial, agricultural, or farm tires will not be accepted. The event starts at 8 a.m. and will run until the collection trucks are full.

Participants will also have the opportunity to retire their Texas or American flags with the American Legion at the event.

Keep San Angelo Beautiful is looking for volunteers to assist during the collection. Interested individuals can contact organizers at (325) 486-3771 for more information.

For additional details, contact Charlotte Anderson at [email protected].

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