Black Smoke Rises from Fire in North San Angelo


SAN ANGELO, TX — A rather involved fire erupted in a backyard shed in the 500 block of E 15th St near Pecan St. at about 6:15 p.m.

San Angelo firefighters were quick to the scene with an armada of firetrucks to put it out.

The fire happened after the rain all afternoon. AEP was on the scene to secure the power at the residence. We noticed a dog that appeared to be living at the house that was healthy.

Black Smoke Rises from Fire in North San Angelo

Black Smoke Rises from Fire in North San Angelo on Aug. 28. 2024

Black Smoke Rises from Fire in North San Angelo on Aug. 28. 2024

Black Smoke Rises from Fire in North San Angelo on Aug. 28. 2024

Black Smoke Rises from Fire in North San Angelo on Aug. 28. 2024

Black Smoke Rises from Fire in North San Angelo on Aug. 28. 2024

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