GALLERY: Goodfellow AFB Hosts 'Air Force Career Day' for Potential Recruits


SAN ANGELO, TX – This morning, the 17th Training Wing at Goodfellow Air Force Base hosted “Air Force Career Day,” a recruitment event aimed at providing potential recruits, ranging in age up to 42, with an inside look at life in the United States Air Force.

The event featured a bus tour with stops at key facilities on the base, including the Louis F. Garland Department of Defense Fire Academy, the Security Forces Military Working Dog Kennel, and Public Affairs. Participants were given the opportunity to witness demonstrations and interact directly with Airmen across various career fields.

Staff Sergeant Alyson T. Silidker of the 344th Recruiting Squadron spoke over the importance of the event in dispelling myths and providing accurate insights into Air Force life.

“The main goal of today is just to let anyone who’s interested in the military get a better understanding of what the Air Force is all about,” Silidker said. “We’re getting them on base to get a look at some of our jobs and talk to some Airmen about their experiences, so they know 100% what they’re getting into and if the Air Force is the right place for them.”

The career day drew two dozen potential recruits from the San Angelo area, all at different stages of considering or committing to an Air Force career. These individuals had the chance to learn firsthand about the benefits, including comprehensive medical coverage, free training, opportunities for higher education, and the quality of life in the Air Force.

One participant noted the challenges of life in the Air Force but expressed enthusiasm for the experience.

“What I’ve learned so far about the Air Force and life on base is that it can be challenging,” the participant said, speaking over the real-world experience they hope to gain from an Air Force career.

The event also included a career fair with representatives from Goodfellow AFB and Dyess Air Force Base, providing information and demonstrations across various Air Force specialties.

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