Emergency Response Exercise to Be Conducted at Fairgrounds on Tuesday


SAN ANGELO, TX – The City of San Angelo and Tom Green County’s Office of Emergency Management will partner with the 6th (TX) Civil Support Team for a joint incident response exercise on Tuesday, Aug. 27. 

The exercise is scheduled to take place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. According to information from the City of San Angelo, the drill will involve local, state, and federal emergency response personnel.

“The major activities are intentionally planned to be conducted away from heavily populated areas in the interest of safety, but some aspects may be noticed within the city,” the information states.

It also notes that this is only a one-day exercise, and residents may observe a heavy presence of emergency response vehicles and personnel at the San Angelo Fairgrounds.

This is only a drill; there is no emergency and no need for alarm.

For the safety of the public and emergency response personnel, residents are advised to refrain from entering the San Angelo Fairgrounds during this exercise event.

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