Goodfellow AFB Accepting Applications for 2024-25 Honorary Commander Program


SAN ANGELO, TX - The Goodfellow Air Force Base 17th Training Wing is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 iteration of the Honorary Commander Program.

The program runs over 12 months starting with an induction ceremony in October and culminating with a graduation ceremony in October 2025.    

Goodfellow Air Force Base's 17th Training Wing hosted a 17th Training Group immersion event for its Honorary Commanders on Friday, Jan. 12, 2024. 

According to information released by Goodfellow AFB today, the program gives members of the San Angelo community a chance to "gain a deeper understanding of the 17th TRW mission at Goodfellow AFB."

This is accomplished through a series of immersion events that provide Honorary Commanders a chance to learn about each of the groups that comprise the 17th TRW. Members are also invited to attend other events such as the Air Force Ball, Combat Dining-In, and Basic Military Training graduation.

"These events deepen their understanding of military ceremony, culture, and tradition," information stated. 

Honorary Commanders represent a diverse group of professionals from a variety of organizations throughout the city of San Angelo. 

Community members interested in learning more about the 17th TRW Honorary Commander Program should click here.

The page has a link to the application and instructions on the submission process. Application deadline for the 2024-2025 iteration is Aug. 16.

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