San Angelo Begins Citywide Water Meter Replacement Project


SAN ANGELO, TX — The City of San Angelo has initiated a project to replace water meters across the city.

Core & Main, the contracted company for this task, has begun work and can be identified by their neon green shirts.

The project aims to upgrade the outdated water meter infrastructure, which has been in place for over a decade, to ensure "accuracy and performance."

The entire initiative is slated for completion by September 2027. During this period, every water customer in San Angelo will have their meter replaced.

City officials have assured residents that they do not need to take any action during the replacement process.

The work at each location is expected to take less than 30 minutes. Contractors will test an outside faucet to ensure water is on and functioning, and they will also check water pressure at each address.

For any issues or concerns, customers are encouraged to contact the Water Customer Service office at 325-657-4323.

It is important to note that only city employees or Core & Main contractors should handle the turning on or off of the water meters, and customers should not move or shift the meter boxes.

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