SAN ANGELO, TX - Fort Concho will host a free 19th-century penmanship on Tuesday, August 13.
This will happen from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Officers’ Quarters 8 at 215 East Avenue D.
The class is free, with all materials provided, and is open to everyone around 10 years old and up.
According to information, the class will cover the history of penmanship, its significance in 1800s America, and how handwriting has evolved over time.
Sarah Ross, education programming coordinator at Fort Concho, has researched the Fort’s records, letters, and reports, and will lead the session.
Before typewriters and computers, writing was both essential for communication and an art form. Clear handwriting was crucial for accurately sharing information before the emergence of modern media and the internet.
The program is free, but it’s a good idea to pre-register by calling (325) 657-4443 or emailing [email protected].
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