Peace Ambassadors of West Texas Present Challenge for Nelson Mandela International Day


SAN ANGELO, TX — Peace Ambassadors of West Texas have invited San Angelo to join them in offering 67 minutes of service to others Thursday, July 18, in honor of Nelson Mandela International Day.

Peace Ambassadors of West Texas was formed in 2004 by Bishop Michael Pfeiffer to join members of the three Abrahamic faiths — Christians, Jews and Muslims — to facilitate conversations about living together peacefully.

The organization has regrouped after a time of inactivity, and Nelson Mandela International Day will serve as a kickoff event for their new start, according to a press release.

Peace Ambassadors plan to help the community from July 18-21 by giving cold drinks to the homeless, ushering at Angelo Civic Theatre, collecting pet food for local rescue groups, and picking up trash in public areas.

For more information, contact Valerie T. Queen at 325-226-3734 or [email protected], or visit the Peace Ambassadors of West Texas Facebook page.

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