Griffith Sworn in As New Police Chief


SAN ANGELO, TX - Travis Griffith has officially been sworn in as San Angelo’s new Police Chief. 


This happened this morning at 9 a.m. at the McNease Convention Center during a packed special city council meeting. 

The city council approved a resolution canvassing returns and declaring the results of the runoff election held on June 15. 

Griffith received 4,420 votes compared to his competitor Mike Hernandez who had 3,986 total votes. 

It was said at the meeting by Mayor Brenda Gunter that Griffith would serve a three-year term. 

After the results were canvassed, Tom Green County Judge Lane Carter administered the Oath of Office, and a “Certificate of Election” was presented to Griffith by Mayor Gunter. 

Travis Griffith is sworn in as police chief in late June 2024 by County Judge Lane Carter as Mayor Brenda Gunter looks on. 

Travis Griffith is sworn in as police chief in late June 2024 by County Judge Lane Carter as Mayor Brenda Gunter looks on. 

“My heart is full right now,” Griffith said at the meeting. “I can’t tell you how incredibly honored I am to serve as your police chief. This is one of the best communities I’ve ever seen. I believe in this community and I believe in what we can do together.”

You can watch the full meeting here: 

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