EXCLUSIVE: Search for Silver Clue at Texas Angels Boutique


SAN ANGELO,TX— The San Angelo LIVE! Summertime Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt, brought to you by Cano's Diamonds and Coins, for July has begun!

Kicking off a little early, the Search for Silver Scavenger Hunt has officially begun. After the first 20 Silver Eagle coins were found, everyone knows this is legit. Use the clues given to you on San Angelo LIVE!, the LIVE! Daily News Show, and from sponsor businesses to find the silver. Clues will come in the form of riddles, pictures, hints, and mini games.

The silver container was hidden over the last couple days and you can get an exclusive clue at Texas Angels Boutique, located at 221 South Chadbourne Street in Downtown San Angelo. Texas Angels Boutique is having a Fourth of July sale on swimwear, summer bags, and patriotic clothing!

Watch the LIVE! Daily News show starting today and keep an eye on San Angelo LIVE! for clues that will be dropped until someone finds the coins!

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