"Get Swabbed for Carlie Jo" is Being Held this Saturday


SAN ANGELO, TX— "Get Swabbed for Carlie Jo" is tomorrow to help a San Angelo Central graduate who is battling leukemia.

According to information released:

Carlie Jo is a recent Central High School graduate, active in the PaulAnn Church youth group and a frequent soloist at church services. In April, Carlie Jo was diagnosed with B-Cell leukemia.

Her plans to attend the pre-nursing program at Texas Tech in the fall are on hold as she undergoes intensive treatment.

The best chance for Carlie Joe to live out her dreams of begin a ‘regular college student’ and becoming a nurse is a blood stem cell transplant. Without a perfect matching donor in her family, Carlie Jo need to rely on a total stranger.

Join a lifesaving team, YOU just might be the ONE person who can help Carlie Jo or someone else’s daughter, sister, or friend.

Signing up as a potential donor is FREE, takes a matter of minutes and includes understanding what happens IF found to be a matching donor, filling out a form and swabbing your cheeks.

Anyone in good health and between the ages of 18-55 can sign up to help patients like Carlie Jo.

The “Get Swabbed for Carlie Jo” blood stem cell donor drive is being held tomorrow, Saturday, June 22, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the Central High School Cafeteria, located at 655 Caddo Street.

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