Comfort Keepers is Hosting the 6th Annual National Day of Joy


SAN ANGELO, TX— Comfort Keepers in San Angelo is hosting their sixth annual National Day of Joy.

Information released says that as an advocate of positive, joyful living for 25 years, Comfort Keepers®, a market-leading provider of uplifting home care for seniors and adults who need assistance, is celebrating its sixth annual National Day of Joy.

For 25 years, Comfort Keepers has made it their mission to “Elevate the Human Spirit” and help today’s seniors thrive and find joy and purpose during this holiday and every day. Comfort Keepers has based its business on the insight that no matter someone’s age or acuity, people still want to live a fulfilling life with joy and purpose.

Celebrated on the last Wednesday in June (June 26, 2024), the National Day of Joy was established to emphasize the importance of individuals finding joy, no matter their age, to boost their overall physical, mental, and emotional health.

This year’s theme is around the Power of Positivity, emphasizing the notion that age is merely a number and regardless of one’s birth year, the human spirit can remain youthful no matter what the calendar says.

As a brand that strives to never focus on loss, but all we can gain, Comfort Keepers is empowering their local offices, caregivers, seniors and communities to find ways to embrace the golden years with joy and vitality.

To celebrate, the Comfort Keepers of San Angelo will be hosting a ribbon cutting for our 15 years of service and snow cones for seniors for the National Day of Joy. This will take place on Wednesday June 26, 2024, from 1:00PM to 2:00pm.

 “We believe that aging is not a limitation but an opportunity for older Americans to live their best lives, embracing each day with joy, purpose and dignity,” said Lisa Carson, Owner. “With the work we do with caregivers, clients and their families, we understand the value of keeping a positive outlook and the impact this mindset can have on our collective resilience and wellbeing. This National Day of Joy, we encourage our community to celebrate the positive changes, rejoicing in the freedom, joy, and newfound experiences that come not only today, but every day.”

The company’s nationwide network of caregivers, also known as Comfort Keepers®, delivers uplifting support to seniors with a refreshing perspective that emphasizes the beauty and richness of life's later chapters. With Comfort Keepers by their side, families can navigate the complexities of aging with confidence, knowing that every moment is an opportunity to create cherished memories and embrace the joy of living.

Comfort Keepers has made it their mission to not only help today’s seniors thrive and find joy, but also to invest, inspire and nurture the caregivers who care for them.

This year, the National Day of Joy will be celebrated in more than 100 locations nationwide where Comfort Keepers has a presence and will include both virtual and local celebrations and various social media extensions to help local communities inspire joy. For more information about the National Day of Joy, Comfort Keepers services, or to become a caregiver in the San Angelo, Tx market visit

On Wednesday, June 26, there will be a ribbon cutting and there will also be snow cones from Kona Ice.

For over 25 years, Comfort Keepers has been Elevating the Human Spirit through its in-home care network for seniors and other adults by empowering them to maintain their independence and realize joy in the everyday moments. Comfort Keepers operates a franchise network that has grown to more than 600 locations in the U.S. and Canada, serving hundreds of thousands of clients since 1998. The company’s nationwide network employs thousands of caregivers, also known as Comfort Keepers®, who deliver joy through interactive caregiving by continually communicating with, involving, and engaging with seniors in everyday tasks and activities. For more information, visit

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