Ensure a Fun Summer with Shannon's Summer Safety Event


SAN ANGELO, TX — Shannon Medical Center will host a Summer Safety Event today.

With summer in full swing, Shannon's professional medical personnel want to ensure that kids from around the San Angelo area are safe during outdoor activities.

Summer Safety Event:

  • When: Tuesday, June 11
  • Time: 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
  • Where: Goodfellow Recreation Camp 1950 S. Concho Dr.
Shannon Medical Center's Summer Safety Event

Shannon Medical Center's Summer Safety Event

(Credit: Shannon Medical Center)

The event aims to tackle several issues that may arise in the outdoors this summer, including hands-on CPR, outside injuries, boating safety, drowning prevention, vehicle heat safety, hydration, and gun safety.

Aside from medical personnel, law enforcement agencies, including the San Angelo Police Department, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Department, and the United States Air Force, will also be present to discuss gun safety. 

Free life jackets will be provided with fittings performed by Shannon Medical Center. It is important to note that children under 90 lbs must be present to be fitted for a life jacket.

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