San Angelo Breaks Ground on WWII Memorial on 80th D-Day Anniversary


SAN ANGELO, TX - A groundbreaking ceremony took place this morning on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, for a new World War II memorial. 

This happened on Rio Concho Drive, across from the McNease Convention Center, where the memorial will be developed. 

“We’re here to celebrate almost 20,000 people in this area and surrounding counties that were part of the greatest generation that didn’t look for conflict, but when their nation called, they were ready,” Congressman August Pfluger said at the ceremony. “You’re going to see 20,000 names here from the Concho Valley that were ready and willing, and some of them did, give it their all.” 

He also said that the vision for this project has been in the making for several years. 

“I hope that this memorial will serve as a place where we can celebrate a generation that truly changed the world,” he said. 

The Mayor of San Angelo, Brenda Gunter, was also present at the ceremony. 

She said that she was proud to begin the work and effort of delivering one of the "greatest monuments" to all who were connected to World War II. 

"We want to be able to honor anyone who served in any war and gave their life, their land, or part of their world to us American citizens,” the Mayor said.  

The memorial will feature monument panels, dedication markers, plaques, and a bronze statue of a World War II Army Air Corps pilot. Additionally, the development plan includes parking improvements, pedestrian pathways, lighting, and limited landscaping to enhance visitor experiences. The names of all WWII veterans from the Concho Valley will be listed on the memorial.


The project's estimated cost is $400,000, funded entirely through community fundraising efforts. In addition to financial support, the city will provide the land and assist with the proposal's implementation and ongoing maintenance. Future plans also suggest expanding the site to include memorials for veterans of other conflicts and service operations.

For more information, or to donate, click here. 

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