SAN ANGELO, TX — European university students part of a summer exchange program are selling educational books door-to-door in San Angelo.
The San Angelo Police Department issued a community awareness post on its Facebook page this morning. It stated that the European students are part of a summer exchange program selling educational books and apps for families from young toddlers to college prep.

European Exchange Students sell educational materials around San Angelo
(Credit: San Angelo Police Department)
“If you are wondering who is going around during the day knocking on doors, it is a group of university students from Europe,” SAPD’s Facebook post stated. “They are doing a summer exchange program selling educational books and apps for families from young toddlers all the way to college prep. They have all acquired their permits approved by the (City of San Angelo). If you see them around, tell them hi!”
As the post mentioned, do not be alarmed if you see them around town as they have permission from the City of San Angelo and have all the permits required. This is an excellent opportunity to stock up on educational materials for kids of all ages to prepare for the upcoming school year.
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