San Angelo City Council Wants To End Veteran Homelessness


SAN ANGELO, TX — Today, the San Angelo City Council approved a resolution supporting the end of veteran homelessness. 

According to information from the city, homelessness among veterans has increased nationwide by over 7%, reaching 35,574 in 2023. However, the information continues to state that here in San Angelo, the number jumped from 8% to 12% over the same period. 

Neighborhood and Family Services Director Robert Salas said that the Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition believes this figure to be closer to 30.

“We must remember that freedom is not free, and the men and women who have served in the military to keep our nation safe from foreign threats deserve access to affordable housing,” Salas said at the city council meeting.

Information from the city also states that on June 1, 2023, the city provided American Rescue Plan funds to the Housing Authority of San Angelo in the amount of $554,410 to renovate an apartment complex to house homeless Veterans and $100,000 for follow-up case management. 

“With the project completed and the Concho Valley Homeless Coalition member organizations offering resources and programs to assist homeless Veterans, the Coalition believes we can end Veteran homelessness in San Angelo,” the information reads. 

In order to accomplish this feat, the Coalition plans to identify all homeless Veterans within a 90-day period beginning on July 1, 2024, and provide either transitional or permanent housing for all homeless Veterans who want it. This will be followed by case management to transition from homelessness to permanent housing and help sustain long-term success, according to information. 

The City Council unanimously voted in favor of the resolution. 

The resolution states that the city supports the Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition in their efforts to:

  • Identify all homeless Veterans within a 90-day period beginning on July 1st.
  • Provide shelter immediately to all homeless Veterans who want it.
  • Establish plans, partnerships, and system capacity should a Veteran become homeless or be at risk of becoming homeless.

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