11 Dogs Still Facing Euthanasia Saturday


SAN ANGELO, TX — Concho Valley PAWS stated that 11 dogs are facing euthanasia after the animal shelter exceeded capacity this week. 

On May 1, the San Angelo Animal Shelter had exceeded capacity due to 192 dogs being housed there. 

The 11 dogs will be euthanized unless adopted, fostered, or transferred to another rescue by 3 p.m. Saturday, May 4. 

The shelter must be under 180 dogs at all times, information states.

Adoptions, fostering, and transports are urgently needed to help at-risk animals avoid euthanasia.

If interested, please contact [email protected] as soon as possible.

Concho Valley PAWS, located at 3134 N. US Highway 67 is not the animal shelter. PAWS does facilitate the adoption of shelter pets.

View available shelter pets at 24petconnect.com. To adopt or foster, visit cvpaws.org

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