Severe Thunderstorm Douses San Angelo; Wind Advisory Issued


SAN ANGELO, TX - A severe thunderstorm swept over San Angelo, leaving a variable trail of precipitation in its wake. 

According to reports from the National Weather Service, Mathis Field Airport in San Angelo received .11 inches of rain as the storm passed through.

In nearby Merzon, rainfall measured at .40 inches, while Wall experienced .18 inches of precipitation. Seven miles northwest of San Angelo, a mesonet station recorded .04 inches of rain.

At 7:20 p.m., the storm had already moved east of Ballinger and is now on a trajectory towards Eden.

San Angelo LIVE! spoke with the National Weather Service of San Angelo, who highlighted the next potential concern for the region – strong gusty winds. 

In response, a wind advisory has been issued for the Concho Valley and Tom Green County.

This advisory is scheduled to be in effect from 9 a.m. Saturday to 9 a.m. Sunday.

The weather service anticipates the development of west-to-northwest winds ranging from 25 to 35 miles per hour, with gusts peaking up to 50 mph. 

During the recent storm, wind gusts reached a maximum of 48 mph, as reported by the National Weather Service.

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