Taking the Plunge: Frigid Ice Water Submersion for Health


SAN ANGELO, TX - Tyler and Hayli Tomerlin are the owners of T-Bone Active fitness facility in San Angelo and the owners of their very own Cold Plunge Submersion Tank in which they've been doing daily cold plunges to reap the reported health benefits and build discipline and mental toughness.

Curious about the benefits of cold plunging? The concept of employing frigid temperatures as a therapeutic tool is not a recent discovery. Dating back to 3500 B.C.E., humans have utilized ice and cold to aid in the treatment of injuries. Over the ages, the understanding of the advantages of cold therapy has evolved, giving rise to the contemporary trend of cold plunges.

Tyler and Haley Tomerlin Showcase Cold Plunge Experience

The Tomerlin's are certainly convinced that regular cold plunges are important and have made them a part of their everyday life. Haley expressed "It's a family affair." The health-conscious couple showcased their cold plunge experience for San Angelo Live on Thursday, January 25th at their home in the San Angelo Country Club area. The Tomerlins converted an industrial-sized deep freezer into a cold plunge tank right in their garage at their house. The deep freezer has been modified with a rhino lining covering the inside and with a water circulation system, temperature gauge, and more.

The fit couple committed to daily cold plunges for thirty days initially but after completing the first month and experiencing numerous benefits, they decided to extend the challenge to a year. Tyler explained that by consistently increasing the duration of each plunge, he and Haley have developed better mental toughness and increased benefits such as decreased inflammation and joint health. Cold water constricts your blood vessels, which can help with the swelling related to inflammation.

Tyler said, "After like 30 to 40 seconds your body goes completely numb and it's not as bad. It's important to try to control your mind when you first jump in because it instantly goes into survival mode. The body also releases the stress hormone cortisol, increases your heart rate, and sends you into flight or flight panic mode." Tyler also explained that attempting to control breathing in the first thirty seconds is crucial, "I try to inhale as slow and deep as possible through my nose and then let all that air out through my mouth with one slow continuous breath. Doing this over and over forces my heart rate to decrease and allows me to make it through to the numbing stage."

Interview With Tyler Hayli Tomerlin

Interview With Tyler Hayli Tomerlin

(Credit: SA Live, Lucas Banda)

Hayli Tomerlin Stepping Into The Cold Plunge

Hayli Tomerlin Stepping Into The Cold Plunge

(Credit: SA Live, Lucas Banda)

Mental and Psychological Benefits

The mental and psychological benefits associated with doing regular cold plunges have improved mental toughness and discipline, said Hayli Tomerlin. Haley feels that "We shouldn't be so fixated on instant gratification, constantly seeking comfort and avoiding uncomfortable situations at all costs.  It feels like we have become a society of people who feel overwhelmed, helpless, and stuck because we don't challenge ourselves enough with things that suck and hurt. " Haley emphasized the idea that introducing new levels of stress or discomfort to your mind and body forces them to overcome or adapt, promoting change or growth. She went on to say, "Doing daily cold plunges is a great way to get uncomfortable for a few minutes and force yourself to do something you don't want to do. This builds character and discipline and allows you to grow and evolve physically and mentally." Tyler added to this idea when he stated "Everything in life is hard. Being poor is hard. Being wealthy is hard. Being overweight and out of shape is hard. Being healthy and fit is hard. Choose your hard!"

Cold plunging has become a popular trend among health and fitness influencers and enthusiasts due to its reported health benefits both physical and mental. One such influencer who promotes regular cold plunges is comedian and Podcast hot Joe Rogan. 

On his podcast, Joe Rogan emphasized the enduring health benefits of cold plunge tubs and dispelled the notion that cold exposure therapy is merely a fad, labeling it as a significant health trend. Drawing from personal experience, Rogan delved into the transformative effects of daily cold plunging, highlighting the associated challenges and discomfort. Despite the initial struggle, he underscored the remarkable mental clarity and overall health benefits he gains from this practice.

Rogan humorously conveyed the immediate shock and exhilarating aftermath of jumping into a freezing cold tub each morning. He pondered how readily people might embrace the benefits of cold exposure if packaged as conveniently as a vape pen or a mint.

Rogan believes that the struggle, perseverance, and discomfort inherent in cold exposure are real and he encouraged his audience to embrace the challenges, endure discomfort, and appreciate the personal growth that unfolds in the process

Benefits of Cold Plunging

  • Soothes Sore Muscles
  • Decrease inflammation & Promotes Joint Support
  • Supports Immune System
  • Builds Resilience & Discipline 
  • Boosts Energy Levels
  • Increase Focus
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Supports Weight Loss
  • Improve Mood & Mental Health
  • Strengthen Hair & Skin
  • Better Quality Sleep

"Everything in life is hard. Being poor is hard. Being wealthy is hard. Being overweight and out of shape is hard. Being healthy and fit is hard. Choose your hard!"

- Tyler Tomerlin

Tyler Coming Out of Plunge

Tyler Coming Out of Plunge

(Credit: SA Live, Lucas Banda)

Tyler Fully Submerged During Cold Plunge

Tyler Fully Submerged During Cold Plunge

(Credit: SA Live, Lucas Banda)

"Doing daily cold plunges is a great way to get uncomfortable for a few minutes and force yourself to do something you don't want to do. This builds character and discipline and allows you to grow and evolve physically and mentally."

- Hayli Tomerlin

Embracing cold plunging offers a multitude of unexpected advantages, ranging from enhanced mental well-being, improved sleep, and beauty benefits, to an increased metabolism, stress reduction, and heightened resilience. With such diverse and surprising benefits, incorporating cold plunging or cold therapy into your workout recovery routine or daily regimen becomes a compelling concept. 

Before engaging in an ice bath, it is crucial to assess its safety for your health. Consult with your doctor beforehand, as cold plunges may have adverse and potentially hazardous effects, especially for individuals with underlying medical conditions

Potential Risks & Who Shouldnt Do Cold Plunges

Your healthcare provider can assist in determining if you have an underlying condition. While ice baths can be beneficial for alleviating general aches and pains, they may not be suitable if you're dealing with a more significant issue, such as a fracture, tendon or ligament tear, or another injury. It's essential to ensure that you're not using ice therapy to mask a more serious underlying problem.


The Tomerlins have reaped numerous health benefits from doing daily cold plunges and have incorporated the cold therapy technique into their everyday lives and the lives of their children, family, and friends. The couple highly recommends cold plunges for health benefits but also for mental toughness development and the opportunity to grow and evolve personally through the process of seeking a few minutes of discomfort consistently.

Tyler Half Way Out

Tyler Half Way Out

(Credit: SA Live , Lucas Banda)

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