San Angelo Police Dept. Offers $5K Hiring Incentive


SAN ANGELO, TX - The San Angelo Police Department is offering prospective candidates a $5,000 hiring incentive for Lateral Police Officer positions. 

According to the SAPD, this opportunity aims to attract individuals who bring valuable skills to the department and are committed to maintaining public safety.

The department is actively seeking “highly motivated” individuals with strong communication skills, placing a premium on teamwork and collaboration. 

To be eligible for a Lateral Position, applicants must hold an Intermediate Peace Officer License.

The $5,000 hiring incentive is a perk offered by the San Angelo Police Department, with the amount disbursed upon the receipt of the first payroll check. However, candidates must commit to a tenure of no less than 24 months. Failure to fulfill this obligation will result in the requirement to repay the incentive.

The application process can be initiated through the official San Angelo Police Department website at

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