Mariachi Los Caciques to Play Winter Concert


SAN ANGELO, TX — The Lakeview Mariachi band, Mariachi Los Caciques, will perform their Winter Concert at Murphey Performance Hall on. Friday, December 8th at 6:30pm. The event is free to the public, and patrons will be entertained by members of the both the Mariachi Los Caciques and Lincoln Jr. High Mariachi students. 

The concert is a great opportunity to see these talented musicians in action before the band travels to Orlando, Florida next summer.  Ezra Ramirez, the Los Caciques assistant director, recently spoke with San Angelo Live about their upcoming trip. "We are excited to have the opportunity to take these kids to Florida. They will take classes with Mariachi Cobre, a professional mariachi band that performs regularly at Disney World. These kids work really hard and have sacrificed their time on weekends to make this trip happen. For some, this is their plane ride, so they are very excited."

The trip, however, comes at a cost. According to Ramirez, the week-long visit will cost approximately $2,000 per student to attend, with about 30 students attending. The students have been fundraising for months now and continue to book performances at birthdays, anniversary parties and quinceñeras to make extra money. "We still have more money to raise, but I am so proud of the dedication of these students." 

To help the Mariachi Los Caciques get to Florida, please visit their page here and to make a donation, or visit their Facebook page.



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