San Angelo Family Shelter Needs Help With Supplies for the Summer


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo Family Shelter needs help with paper and plastic donations for the summer months. The shelter Monday asked San Angelo residents for help with these donations.

With the summer months, comes an increase in victims of family violence. The Family Shelter currently has 30 adults and children at the residence. The facility is seeking paper and plastic donations. Items include paper towels, toilet paper, plates, bowels, cups, serve ware, napkins and 39 gallon and kitchen trash bags. Also needed is laundry detergent, bleach and Pinsol. Items may be brought to the shelter porch at 79 Gillis st, San Angelo, Tx, 76903. Contact Valerie Tillery, Program Director Family Shelter, for additional information or with any questions or concerns at 325-655-5775.

The Family Shelter's mission in San Angelo is to "break the cycle of domestic violence that is frequently passed on from one generation to the next."

According to their website. "We offer hope and empowerment and believe true peace comes at home and from within.  The Family Shelter offers safe and confidential services to victims of domestic violence. We seek social change through community awareness and client advocacy."

Family Shelter in San Angelo

Family Shelter in San Angelo

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

The Family Shelter offers a number of services in San Angelo, including:

  • Emergency transportation
  • Emergency and extended shelter
  • Case management
  • Food and clothing
  • Safety Planning
  • Mobile Advocacy
  • Domestic Violence Education
  • Assistance with orders of protection
  • Court/legal lay assistance
  • Court accompaniment/advocacy
  • Legal resource planning
  • Immigration services
  • Shelter resident counseling
  • Non-resident counseling
  • Peer support groups
  • Alternative housing counseling
  • Transportation
  • Support Services
  • Goal planning assistance
  • Job skills training
Family Shelter in San Angelo

Family Shelter in San Angelo

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

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