City Council Votes to Support Project to Build Bathrooms In MLK Park


SAN ANGELO, TX –– After a morning filled with lengthy public comments, the San Angelo City Council resumed the regular agenda with the approval of a resolution that supports building bathrooms in MLK Park.

According to the Parks and Recreation Director Carl White, the NAACP is seeking to secure a total of $250,000 in grants to pay for the entire project.

That amount would cover the design work, site work –– including installation of utilities, and construction costs of the facilities.

If the organization receives $25,000 from the Tucker Foundation and $225,000 from the San Angelo Area Foundation –– the city would support the project and be responsible for the yearly operation and maintenance costs.

The estimated cost of the upkeep for the bathrooms is $12,000. The funds needed to cover the expense will be allocated from the General Fund –– instead of the Parks and Recreation budget.

With a unanimous vote from the city council, the process to add permanent bathrooms to MLK is one step to becoming a reality.

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