SAN ANGELO – San Angelo's Fort Concho National Historic Landmark is reconstructing a barracks and mess hall following a significant donation from an anonymous donor.
According to the San Angelo Building Permits and Inspections Board two permits have been issued to rebuild two of the structures located in Fort Concho. The permits that have been issued are for barracks number three and four. Each of the permits list the building to cost at least $2,000,000.
Matt Lewis, head of the San Angelo Area Foundation, says that the foundation received a large donation from an anonymous donor who goal was to rebuild the missing barracks and mess-halls.
"The Foundation has been working with Fort Concho staff, volunteers, and city leadership to develop architectural plans, permitting and construction documents with historic preservationist architect, Killis Almond, AIA, of San Antonio," said Lewis. "When complete, the building will house an incredible collection of historic books and artifacts related to the western history surrounding the creation and growth of San Angelo and Fort Concho."
Lewis confirmed that the total costs of architectural services and construction for barracks number 3 are approximately $2.25million and will be paid and managed by the foundation under agreement with the city. As for barracks number four the foundation has raised a little over a quarter of the goal.
"The Foundation, along with Fort Concho staff and volunteers will continue working with other donors and grantors to raise additional monies of $1.8million to reconstruct the last missing barracks and mess hall #4, which already has construction documentation and is ready to proceed as soon as additional funds are raised," said Lewis. "As of August 2021, the San Angelo Health Foundation has awarded $500,000 for barracks and mess hall number 4, if the remaining $1.3million is raised."
The foundation has awarded the construction bid to local builder Brian Benson with Clearview Construction to complete the project.

Fort Concho Construction Barracks Numeber 3 and 4 (LIVE! Photo/Sonia Ramirez-Munoz)
Reconstruction of Fort Concho has shown results in the uptick in tourism into the City of San Angelo. If fact on Sep. 1 San Angelo was named Destination of the Year by the inaugural Texas Travel Awards. During the ceremony the Fort Concho National Historic Landmark was recognized as the number one Historical Site by the Texas Travel Awards judges.
Mayor Brenda Gunter and the Vice President of the CVB and Discover San Angelo Diann Bayes were very excited about winning the award.
“We are truly honored to have our city selected for this incredible award covering the Lone Star State. San Angelo is blessed to have so many wonderful travel and tourism partners, event planners, and attractions that bring in visitors to our city, making it a phenomenal destination," said Bayes."We are also extremely proud of Fort Concho National Historic Landmark. The preservation efforts and outstanding events the Fort brings to San Angelo help to make our city a great place to visit and a wonderful place to live.”
“San Angelo has been a well-kept, hidden treasure tucked away in west Texas for many years. As, mayor I am proud to be a part of the ongoing efforts to celebrate and shine a light on San Angelo," said Gunter. "We have a great community that thrives on welcoming people to our community. I am proud to call San Angelo home and glad I have had the opportunity to call it home for 21 years.”
The increase in the tourism from the fort bodes well for city as Bayes confirmed that without tourism in San Angelo each household in 2020 would pay an additional $549 a year in taxes.
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