Demolition Derby Ends As City Finally Fixes Busted Downtown Light


SAN ANGELO, TX – The traffic signal that was destroyed during a crash in January is finally being replaced. 

As first reported by San Angelo LIVE! on January 6 a car crashed into the traffic light on the corner of Harris and Koenigheim. Here is the original story: TRAFFIC ALERT: Signal Light Down Near Downtown.

After the crash the City of San Angelo decided to just place stop signs on Harris and let Koenigheim be an open intersection. This led to numerous crashes. Here are just a couple of those. WATCH: Another Crash at Temporary Stop Sign Controlled Downtown Intersection & Watch: Yet Another Crash at the Same Dangerous Downtown Intersection.

City officials decided that a temporary traffic light was a better option to deal with the "demonlition derby." The temporary traffic light was put in towards the end of January and now city crews are installing the new permanent light. 

Crews estimate the light will be functional by the end of the week. 

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