Coronavirus: Tom Green County Clerk's Office Restricts Public Access


SAN ANGELO, TX -- After Tom Green County confirmed its second case of Coronavirus, County Clerk Liz McGill announced the office will be limiting public access.

Effective, Thursday, March 26 those in need of assistance will need to contact departments individually.

Vital Statistics 

  • Birth and death certificates, as well as certified copies, can be requested via email: [email protected]
  • Those requesting assume name, brands, TABC, and marriage license call to schedule an appointment.
  • Office: 325-659-6556

Criminal (fees & records) 

  • Those needing to make a payment can be made at (bureau code 1121840} or in the payment in dropbox
  • Office:325-659-6555

Civil /Probate 

  • Payment can be made at (bureau code 2216393} or in the dropbox
  • For record searches please email [email protected]
  • Submit filings through e-file or mail them to 124 W. Beauregard.
  • Office: 325-659-6554

Real Estate 

  • Call the office at 325-659-6552 to record any documents.

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wDougL, Thu, 03/26/2020 - 12:58

...the County Clerk? I was sure I read an article ( on San Angelo Live ) that Liz McGill had retired? Hmmm, good to hear she's still County Clerk! I worked for the TGC Building Maintenance department for 7 years ...
(From 2001 to 2008) and she was the County Clerk then! I always liked Liz McGill, she a very intelligent and good person! Y'all take care and have a great day! Adios! :-)

Kind of odd she put a lot of information about all departments except Real Estate. Why doesn't that surprise me, it appears she's still playing departments against each other after all these years. Hopefully we can get new blood next election and not one of her underlings or it will be the same crooked office it's been for 20 years

wDougL, Thu, 03/26/2020 - 23:26

... that's the name of my favorite band from Canada... hey " Clap for the Wolfman, he's gonna rate your comment high! " ... and why don't tell us how you really feel...(Guess Who) btw ... "Whooooooo are you? Who-who... Who-who "?? ( just another hit song... but it was recorded by "The Who"... and that song was also used for the Hit TV series CSI... hehehe) I know, I know ... I'm a bit weird... but hey, we all are a little "Strange Brew" and " Dazed and Confused " ... So, guess I sorta fit in with the rest of you... Ttfn ..
( ... that's " Ta, ta for Now" ... man this is fun... hehehe ... reminds me of man old Facebook days...) :-D

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