Sunday is Your Chance to Bike Through the Christmas Lights


SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo Bicycle Association Invites You To “Bike Through the Lights” with Santa, Mrs. Claus and Elf John along the banks of the Concho River.

On Sunday, December 8th, ride along with Santa and take in the view of more than three million Christmas lights and more than seventy-five life-size Christmas Greeting Cards.  This non-competitive ride, presented by Concho Christmas Celebration and the San Angelo Bicycling Association, is free and open to all. SABA will have a repair clinic available for participant’s bikes.

When/Where:   Parking is available at the San Angelo YMCA parking lot located at 353 S. Randolph.  Santa, Mrs. Claus, and Elf John will be there at 4:30 pm. The ride will begin at 5:00 p.m. and cyclists will exit at the lower YMCA parking lot at the corner of S. Randolph onto River Drive.  Cyclists will need front light, rear reflector or light and helmet. Cyclists must be off the streets of the Tour by 6:30 p.m.

Santa will have peppermints for the participants, and The San Angelo Bicycle Association will provide refreshments after the ride.


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