City Council Approves PAWS Animal Adoption Contract Renewal


SAN ANGELO, TX -- San Angelo City Council members unanimously approved renewing the animal adoption contract with Concho Valley PAWS Tuesday.  

According to the regular meeting agenda, the contract for animal adoption services for the city's animal shelter was awarded to Concho Valley PAWS in the amount of $60,000, budgeted for purchase FY2018 with the option to extend for four (4) additional one (1) year terms.  

The city went out for bids and Concho Valley PAWS was the only bidder for the contract.  Jenie Wilson with PAWS told the council that the funds go to pay for two full time employees who work at the city animal shelter and PAWS matches that by providing an additional two workers.  Wilson says PAWS adopted approximately 1300 animals from the shelter last year.  She also told the council PAWS plans to hire its own veterinarian this year.


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not a better organization in this state!!!! The work they do is invaluable. We can't all volunteer based on personal reasons but we CAN and SHOULD try to contribute to them in others ways. Sponsor an animal so they can be adopted by someone else at no charge. Pick up a bag of food when out shopping and drop it off at one of their locations. Remember the cats too !!

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