SAN ANGELO, TX -- Palmer Feed presented two checks of $1500 each to the West Texas Boys Ranch and Sonrisas Trails Therapeutic Riding Tuesday afternoon. The funds are the proceeds from this year’s annual “Sack It- Don’t Wrap It!” campaign, along with the matching dollars from Palmer Feed.
In the “Sack It-Don’t Wrap It” campaign, people donate $3.00 and have Christmas gifts stitched into a Palmer Feed sack in lieu of wrapping paper.
“It started as a fun thing in our family. So about 25 years ago I began to offer it to the public as a fun fundraiser to give back to local charities.” says Winn Palmer, third generation owner of Palmer Feed. “And one thing is certain, when it’s under the tree in a Palmer Feed sack, it stands out!”
Of the recipients, Bridget Scott, Palmer Feed GM states, "We are proud to support these two organizations because they are such important causes and they are related to the local ag and equine industries that we serve. Supporting local charities is a Palmer Feed tradition that the team here is proud to continue.”
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