GOODFELLOW AFB, TX -- (GAFB Press release) Friends, family, food and the right to religious freedom. That is what the Taylor Chapel celebrated on Goodfellow Dec. 15, with the Lighting of the Menorah Service Maj. Mark Edelstein, 502nd Air Base Wing chaplain, told the story of Hanukkah while families enjoyed the traditional food, games, and worship associated with the holiday.
“This is what the holidays are all about, gathering together and enjoying company,” said Lt. Col. Robert Borger, 17th Training Wing chaplain. “So, we just want to thank Maj. Edelstein for coming all this way and being a part of our service.”
Several leaders from base took part in lighting the candles on the Menorah, including Chaplain Borger, Col. Jeffery Sorrell, 17th TRW vice commander and Col. Jason Beck, 17th Mission Support Group commander.
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In 167 B.C., the second temple in Jerusalem was looted and Judaism was outlawed. As a result, a revolt was led by Mattathias and his five sons against Antiochus. By 165 B.C. the Jewish revolt, known as the Maccabean Revolt, against the Seleucid monarchy was successful. The Temple was liberated and rededicated. According to the Talmud, a single flask of undefiled pure olive oil with the seal of the high priest was found in order to light the menorah in the Temple, which was required to burn throughout the night every night. An eight-day festival was declared by the Jewish sages to commemorate the rededication of the Temple and the ability to once again worship freely.
This is what the Taylor Chapel at Goodfellow celebrates, everyone from different walks of life, taking advantage of rights that may not have always been there, but we can enjoy today, said Edelstein.
Edelstein brought many toys and treats from selfie sticks to dreidels and gelt.
As a thank you for all he had done, Borger presented Edelstein with one of the 17th TRW chaplain coins.
“I just want to say thank you as well,” said Edelstein. “When I was on my way here everyone in San Antonio begged me to bring them with me, that is how welcoming and fun Goodfellow is.”
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