SAN ANGELO, TX – Here is an opportunity to for you to help make a difference in your community and find out what it is like behind the scenes at San Angelo Police Department. The SAPSC (San Angelo Police Department Safety Communications Center) is located at 323 E. Beauregard Ave. From there they receive incoming calls from citizens and personnel for the 911 Emergency calls made throughout the Tom Green County.
Volunteers are put through training and required to have more than 20 hours a month available. To apply you must first pass a dispatcher test and a typing test. You can fulfill these at City Hall, Human Resources, 2nd floor, 72 w. College Ave, Monday- Friday 8 a.m. - noon, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Once you have passed that testing you can put your application in for a position. You must not have any felony convictions or class a or b misdemeanor convictions i the past 10 years. Also you may be subject to a polygraph test and are required to have a background check.
For more information on requirements, further questions, or to get your application go here. You may also contact Lt. Tim Pucci at (325) 657-4537, [email protected] .
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