

SAN ANGELO, TX -- On Friday morning, Porcelain Douglas, 26, sat before Judge Brad Goodwin for her sentencing hearing in the drowning death of her 2-year-old child.

Porcelain was charged with Abandon Endanger Child Criminal Negligence on Aug. 7, 2015, after her child, Treshawn Collins, drowned at Lake Nasworthy. 

During her trial last month, Porcelain testified before the court to explain what occurred that day. She was sitting just off the shoreline on a floaty while holding Collins who was facing her chest and had his legs portioned behind her back.

Collins father, Darnell Toran, and co-defendant in the case was pushing Porcelain around while she sat with the child on the floaty. Porcelain stated that Torna knew she couldn't swim and didn't understand why he would do that even if it was to be playful.   

Sometime after this occurred, Porcelain and her child were pulled out by the  further by the lake's current and eventually reach beyond the buoys. Porcelain 

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