SAPD Offering Free Firearms Locks to Promote Gun Safety


SAN ANGELO, TEXAS -- The San Angelo Police Department (SAPD) has partnered with Project ChildSafe, a program of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, to promote firearm safety and education.

The partnership stems from a desire to raise awareness about safe and responsible firearm ownership and the importance of proper storage to help reduce accidents and access by children. 

Project ChildSafe works with law enforcement partners across the U.S. to help make communities safer by providing free gun locks and safety kits. 

The locks will be available at Police Headquarters, 401 E. Beauregard, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

“If we can prevent senseless injuries or save the life of one child by preventing an unnecessary, accidental shooting then the impact of this partnership will prove to be invaluable.  Safe storage is the number one way we can reduce these accidents,” SAPD Police Chief Frank Carter stated.

Tips and information about safe and responsible firearm storage are available at  

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