Barbecue Benefit to be Held for Slain Teen’s Family


SAN ANGELO, TX — Saturday, July 22, from 11 a.m. until the food is gone, friends and family of Omar Duarte are having a fundraiser barbecue on the south side of San Angelo Stadium’s parking lot near the field house.

Omar was killed early Wednesday morning in what some say was a tragic accident with a gun.  Xavior R. Arzola, 19, of San Angelo, has been charged with Manslaughter in connection to the incident.

Omar Duarte played free safety on the 2016 San Angelo Central Bobcats team that went 12-1 last year, and advanced one playoff game away from the state championships. He was well liked by his peers and coaches.

Keith Green, Omar’s football coach when he was in little league as a child, along with his wife Angela, began organizing the benefit barbecue earlier Thursday. The couple enlisted the help of Knoal Jordan who is a championship barbecue cook with Big Dreams Barbecue. Since this morning, help has been pouring in, Jordan said.

Barbecue brisket plates with all of the fixings will be offered for $10 each starting at 11 a.m. Jordan said all of the meat is being donated. “Butch’s Rat Hole Service dropped off 12 raw briskets for us to cook this afternoon,” Jordan said, giving an example. Cooking the meat has already commenced.

In addition to those donating brisket meat, Jordan said Chili’s restaurant donated Styrofoam plates and barbecue sauce.

Jordan said Omar’s father died when he was young. In Omar’s graduation picture, Omar had a reflection of his father placed in the background (see pic above). Omar was raised by his grandparents for most of his life. Sports like football gave many in the community, such as the Greens, the opportunity to mentor the young man who had a talent for playing football.

“The community has really come together,” Jordan said. He said 100 percent of all proceeds will be donated to Omar’s family. To offer your help, call Knoal Jordan at (432) 935-8542 or message him on Facebook. Details of the event are posted on Facebook here.


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Wishing I was closer my prayer will be with all the Duarte family. Thanks to all who came together to help in this time in need OMAR is definitely smiling from above.

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