SAPD Officer Ed Hunger Retires After 29 Years of Service


SAN ANGELO, TEXAS -- The San Angelo Police Department (SAPD) employees gathered in the Chief’s Conference room yesterday to celebrate the career and retirement of Officer Ed Hunger, who is leaving the Department after nearly twenty-nine years of service.

Hunger began his career with the Department in August of 1988 and attained his Master Peace Officer Certificate in July of 1994. At the time of Hunger’s retirement, he had 2,239 hours of training, a SAPD press release stated. 

Throughout his tenure, Hunger served twenty-one years in the Department’s Patrol Division before his transfer to the Traffic Section in 2009, where he remained as a Motors Officer until his retirement. 

Hunger received several awards throughout his career as well, including a Life Saving Award after he rescued a drowning female victim at Lake Nasworthy in May 2009.  In 1989, Hunger received commendation for his role in the apprehension of two suspects during a burglary, and in 2013, Hunger was recognized by the District Attorney’s Office for his work on the Intoxication Manslaughter/Intoxication Assault case against Carl Bevers.

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