SAN ANGELO, TX – Earlier this evening, family and friends of Ezequiel "EZ" Reyes gathered at Lake View High School's flag pole to pray and support for their friend, who is currently fighting for his life at Shannon Medical Center. EZ, as Ezequiel is commonly known to his family and friends, had many supporters praying for a speedy recovery tonight. Ezequiel was on his way to visit his biological mother at Shannon Medical Center, when he was struck by a Mercury Mountaineer during a two-vehicle rollover crash yesterday evening (see our story here).
In coordination with EZ’s family, Sylvia Chapa, a former teacher of EZ and Pastor Juan Escalante of the Kingdom Life Church, led students and parents in prayer this evening. The Lake View community gathered around the flag pole and prayed for EZ to find the strength to overcome this great challenge. But even though many stood with a heavy heart, the group supported one another and provided comfort to those who needed it the most. Ezequiel is described as always smiling, having a big heart, and being very involved with his friends.
“We believe that God is still in the miracle business and we believe that Jesus does still heal,” Chapa said.
Pastor Escalante not only asked for the speedy recovery of EZ, but also that of his mother, who is currently hospitalized at Shannon Medical Center for a previous health condition and unrelated to yesterday's accident. Pastor Escalante asked that the family be granted the strength and courage they need in times like this.
His friends and family know “he is a fighter and that he will come through,” Pastor Escalante added.
The latest information available on EZ’s condition have not been positive, and it appears that he has shown little improvement. The family is currently awaiting test results that will determine steps they will have to take next.
Both Chapa and Pastor Escalante asked family and friends, and anyone who could, to take a moment to offer a prayer to keep EZ in their thoughts and ask for positive news in his prognosis. Another vigil was also taking place at Shannon Medical center at the same time as Lakeview's. Chapa explained they had organized the vigils at the request of EZ’s brother, JD Rocha, who wanted the community and EZ’s friends to have a place where they could come together to pray for EZ. Rocha was in Colorado at the time of the incident, and arrived in San Angelo earlier this afternoon.
"When God’s people get together to pray things happen,” Pastor Escalante explained, “I know that God is going to be listening and he will answer.”
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