SAFD to Honor Battalion Chief Long's 40 Years of Service


SAN ANGELO, TEXAS – The San Angelo Fire Department will honor retiring Battalion Chief Ricky Long’s 40 years of service and celebrate the promotion of nine other firefighters at a public reception Friday, February 24.

Long joined the SAFD as a rookie firefighter in October of 1976. In 1980 he earned a promotion to driver, to lieutenant in 1986, and to captain in 1991. In October 1995, Long was promoted to battalion chief. A battalion chief coordinates all activities of about 50 personnel spread among eight fire stations during a 24-hour shift. They also act as the on-scene commander for any incidents.

SAFD will also honor the service of three other retiring firefighters, Capt. James Corbett, and drivers Keith Stinnett and Ricky Griffin. Corbett and Stinnett both served 28 years with the department and Griffin has served 26 years.

“Four decades of commitment to the SAFD, to the fire service and to his men is a remarkable achievement worthy of being saluted,” Fire Chief Brian Dunn said. “Though we wish Chief Long well, we’re sorry to see him go. Ricky is a charismatic presence and an unquestionable leader of men.”

Patrick Brody will fill the vacancy created by Long’s retirement. Brody’s promotion to battalion chief will also be celebrated during the event. Brody joined the SAFD in March 2001. He promoted to driver in 2003, to lieutenant in 2010 and to captain in 2013.

Other promotions to be celebrated will include:

Captains: Zane Teutsch and Stacy Wright

Lieutenants: Dan Bowling and Aaron Flint

Drivers: Larry Hill, David Geron, Logan Mikeska, and Jason Strube

This celebratory event will take place from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the SAFD’s Central Fire Station, 306 W. 1st Street.

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